October’s Home Maintenance Tasks

Implementing regular property maintenance will not only keep your home running smoothly and efficiently (as well as maintain your sanity) but it will also help your home stay at the peak of its value. A well-maintained home means fewer potential issues when selling and will help you get top dollar if you decide to sell. You can also insulate yourself from feeling the sting of incurring unexpected costs as a result of emergency repairs. That being said, here is your monthly home maintenance checklist for October.

The heat of summer should be dwindling and the crisp chill of autumn setting in which makes it the perfect time to have your heater serviced before the winter months! You don’t want your system stalling out in the middle of winter — or worse, during the holidays.⁣ It’s always a good idea to get on a service plan for semi-annual checkups to keep your HVAC or boiler running smoothly, improve your energy efficiency, and extend its useful life. There are several local HVAC companies that offer affordable maintenance packages and plans. If you’d rather stick to your energy provider, consider the “worry-free” plan offered by PSE&G. It’s probably one of the best options out there in terms of value for money.

Another great tip to save energy and maximize the efficiency of your HVAC system is to change the direction of your ceiling fans. Most fans have a switch that will change between clockwise and counterclockwise. The ceiling fan direction in summer should be counterclockwise to help create a downdraft, which creates that direct, cooling breeze. Your fan direction in winter needs to be clockwise to create an updraft and circulate warm air around the room. See the full list of tasks on the October home maintenance checklist by visiting my Instagram page @chrisgrecorealtor.